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Fellow Testimonials

The Fellowship inspires me to try new things in the classroom.  An amazing bond is created between student and teacher when they learn together.

Sci-Ed offers a truly rare opportunity to collaborate long-term with passionate, inspirational, and like-minded  STEM teachers.

Becoming a Sci-Ed Innovator is relevant, powerful, invigorating, and sustainable.

Empowering my students by incorporating more of their ideas and voice into lessons and activities has been an eye-opening experience, and the impact is amazing.

Integrating a more Democratic approach into my curriculum and classroom culture has revolutionized student engagement. Their ownership is inspiring, the work they've produced is beyond anything I've seen before and their science literacy is exceptional. The fellowship has worked wonders in my classroom and this has been my favorite year of teaching yet.

The fellowship has given me a set of tools to create a clear and useful path to implement solutions to problems of practice in my classroom. It has also expanded my network of like-minded peers to collaborate with.



Testimonials: Testimonials
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