STEM Ed Innovators Mentor Fellowship
What we ask
THE CHANGE STEM Ed supplies the facilitating Mentor Fellows, design frameworks, collaborative structures, and inspiration you need to democratize your STEM classrooms. Our Fellows bring the passion for innovation, a track record of effective teaching practice, and commitment to our Fellowship.
Be affiliated with be affiliated with a K-12 school
Have at least two years of STEM teaching experience (including the current school year)
Successful gradate of STEM Ed Teacher Fellowship
Commit to completing the expectations of the program to receive a digital certificate and gift certificate
Teach full-time in the current academic year, with at least 50% of their classes in STEM subjects preferred
Fellowship Structure
Co-Leadership of Asynchronous and synchronous
Six Apprentice Mentor Fellow learning modules
Co-facilitation of seven two-hour online Workshops
Coaching at Office Hours session
Facilitation of STEM Ed Showcase and Graduation event
Time commitment
~10 hours per module
3-4 months depending on availability of teachers